ISOLITE Inside insulation for VW Caddy 4 / 3 door
For the sliding window in the left sliding door for vehicles with car trim
The ISOLITE Inside insulation for the sliding window in the left door in the VW Caddy 4 fits perfectly, like all Brandrup linings. The mat is consistently designed to be functional. It offers both isolation and blackout and privacy protection. It also impresses with its very easy handling and can be easily attached and quickly removed.
The thermal insulation works very well. In summer, the heat cannot penetrate into the interior. The inner reflective foil conserves the cool air.In winter Isolite reflects the heat back inside. This keeps the cold outside and creates an effect like in a vacuum flask. The air between the pane and the Isolite cannot circulate and escape upwards or downwards. The entire surface is always tightly closed.
Isolite is not just hung on the pane, but attached to the frame of the window with hook and loop fastener. This creates a perfect seal on three sides. The mat can be attached very quickly. It can also be easily removed for the journey and e.g. stowed on the bed in the pop-up roof.
Made in Germany
There is a large selection of isolites for the VW Caddy. You can find an overview here.